Men's Ministry: Band of Brothers
The men of Holy Cross have joined together to form the Rochester chapter of Band Of Brothers.
Band of Brothers Network is successful, through God’s grace, because of a framework that involves four foundational pillars: Excursions (shared outdoor experiences) – Base Camps (gathering/sharpening experiences in larger groups) – Fireteams( discipleship experience in one-on-one, triad or small groups) – ACTS (the DNA and experiences of serving single moms, shut ins and widows)
This is the rhythm of life for Band of Brothers Network. At the center of it all is Jesus. Whether it be as a father, husband, brother, son, single man or married, at the center of it all is Jesus. Authentic and deep relationships, meaningful accountability and passionate living for the Kingdom result.
Roger Lindahl is the band leader. You can reach him with questions at

Meet on Wednesday evenings evenings 6:30-7:45 in Lounge at Holy Cross. Just show up!

Small groups – Journey together – Engage the Battle.

Serving together – Church and Community.