Young Adult Ministry (YAM)
What it is
In the fall of 2016, the new Young Adult Ministry (YAM) flipped “If you build it, they will come” on its head. First they came, then we built it.
Over the past few years, increasing numbers of young adults have been coming to Holy Cross on Wednesdays. Many of them attended NightLife! in high school, but then they never really stopped. It became evident that a new plan was needed in order to maximize Holy Cross’ impact on this post-youth age group and keep the youth group from being overrun by twenty-somethings. :) YAMs were born out of this reality.
The group incorporates as mentors those with more "life experience". Leaders include Jacob Wessel, Karen Edlund, Phil Scott and Bill Hutton, with staff support by Curt Boger.
YAM seeks to create a safe, welcoming community for persons aged 19-30, where they can develop positive relationships, hear the Gospel, study the Bible, gain valuable insights into life, and leave ready to apply what they learned.
Where and When
The YAM group's main gathering time is in the youth cafe' as an additional breakout group from Nightlife! (confirmation, youth, and LifeTree cafe' are currently the others) which meets nearly every Wednesday. At this gathering, a prepared topic in which the group has shown interest is discussed. In addtion, social activities branch off from these gatherings. Many of the YAMs take part in summer youth mission trips. Future plans are being made to host gatherings in which life skills are taught: basic car maintenance, tax preparation,
etc. Please keep this developing ministry in your prayers.
So join us on a Wednesday soon! Supper for all is at 5:45, followed by socializing, and then worship for all at 6:45. Breakouts happen at 7:00 PM.