Welcome to Holy Cross!
Join us! We are an LCMS congregation that holds to solid Biblical values while also embracing the modern where it provides us with opportunities to reach people for Christ. Our mission is "Helping People Know, Live and Share the Love of Christ ".
Worship schedule
Sunday mornings: 9:30 AM and on hclc.tv
Our current worship series: "The Meaning of Life"
It’s Not Status – Ecclesiastes 6:1-11
In this week’s message, we will talk about how life is temporary, mysterious, and unstable. We may think that status is the most important thing that brings meaning in life, but people are fickle and fame is fleeting. Aging bodies and minds prevent the ability to stay at the top for too long and the world soon finds others to esteem and treasure. Man's power, clout, or status is temporary at best and not worth sacrificing your eternity for a passing in the wind. It is better to take comfort in the consistency that the Lord provides in springtime and harvest and find rest in the morning and evening that he graciously gives. There is no greater power or authority than God's. The weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
View our Livestream and past services below.
Connecting Hour
Join us on Sunday mornings 10:45-11:45 AM for Kidz Alive, Youth NOW, and Adult Bible Studies!
See the schedule below for the Adult Connecting Hour through the end of May, 2025. The same dates apply to Kidz Alive and Youth NOW.
Livestream and past services
To select a past service, click on the 3-bar menu at the top of the video.
Sunday evenings
NightLife!: 6:00-8:00 PM (Youth)
We offer another opportunity for fellowship and worship for youth, which we call NightLife!