
   Administration is a special gift God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to set goals, activate strategies, devise plans and coordinate ministries so that God's work can be guided in a certain direction and the course to get there effectively be maintained.

Please contact if you would like more information on any of the following opportunities.

   Opportunities to serve:

   Auditing Committee

   The Auditing Committee is annually appointed by the Executive Council and consists of a minimum of two persons. This committee audits all church financial records annually.

   Board of Education

   The Board of Education consists of three or more members and the Sunday School Superintendent. Members see themselves as ministering to one's individual faith as well as nurturing the entire body of Christ, regardless of age. It is their mission to provide the tools and resources necessary to enhance spiritual growth and the fulfillment of our mission in Helping People Become Fully Alive in Jesus.


Board of Fellowship

   The Board of Fellowship consists of three or more members with the directive to strengthen the spiritual and social fellowship within the congregation. This Board is concerned with the assimilation of the membership, seeking ways to provide for the different segments of the population to become interconnected. The term of service is one year.

   Board of Missions & Evangelism

   We all share a deep concern for the unchurched in our community and beyond. This Board develops plans and strategies for the outreach to our community and the world. A yearly plan is observed so that the members of Holy Cross will be sensitized to their part in the Great Commission and provide ways to equip and encourage them for their ministry as witnesses for Jesus Christ. The term of service is two years.

   Board of Personnel

   The Board of Personnel provides for the needs of the Holy Cross staff. This Board is concerned with our staffing model here at Holy Cross. Are we using our staff in the most efficient way possible? Is each staff member working to his/her capacity in the areas each is gifted by the Holy Spirit? These are questions this Board deals with throughout the year. The term of service is one year.

   Board of Finance

   This Board encourages and provides for the development and accurate accounting of congregational finances as provided by our Lord. This Board organizes volunteers to count and deposit all financial gifts for the congregation, conducting an annual financial giving pledge drive, and making available opportunities for special giving and long term financial planning.

Board of Trustees

   The Board of Trustees provides for the space needs of Holy Cross along with serving as the legal representatives of the congregation. This board is made up of three or more members who manage the upkeep and care of all the physical church property and associated insurance coverage. Prior to the setting of the annual budget, they are to inspect all property and file an inventory of condition with the Executive Council. The term of service is three years.

   Board of Volunteer Ministries

   The Board of Volunteer Ministries is charged with keeping accurate records of the Holy Cross volunteers, keeping up-to-date job descriptions for volunteer positions, and assisting boards and committees in finding gifted people for needed volunteer positions. This Board is also instrumental in providing special emphases to help members be aware of the many opportunities available for the using of their time, talents and treasures in the Lord's work.

   Board of Youth

   The Board of Youth consists of two or more members and representatives from the various young adult ministries within the congregation. Its mission is to proclaim the presence, love and power of God, through Jesus Christ, to young people and their families. This is accomplished through the encouragement and administration of Bible study, fellowship, and spiritual care programming. The term of service is one year.

   President of the Congregation

   The President is the leader of the congregation and serves as its corporate officer. The term of office is one year. The president presides at all meetings of the Voters' Assembly and Executive Council and is an ex-officio advisory member of all regular and special boards and committees. The term of service is one year.

   Vice President of the Congregation

   The Vice President is a corporate officer of the congregation and assists the President with the administration of the congregation. In the absence of the President, the Vice President presides over the Voters' Assembly and Executive Council. This term of service is one year.

   Treasurer of the Congregation

   The Treasurer is a corporate officer of the congregation. The Treasurer works closely with the accountant of the congregation to maintain a regular account of all receipts and funds from the congregation. A proper accounting of all disbursements is also kept and reported to the congregation, Voters' Assembly, and Executive Council. The Treasurer manages all fixed and regular expenses and prepares for publication with the congregational accountant the proper annual reports. The term of service is one year.

   RCLS Board Representative

   Representatives for the Rochester Central Lutheran School Board consist of two or as many members as the school association by-laws may permit. Member’s term of service is three years. They represent the Holy Cross congregation, and report regularly to the Executive Council and the Voters' Assembly. Their chief responsibility is to advise the Holy Cross Executive Council in advance of significant changes considered by RCLS. They also coordinate RCLS activities with the Holy Cross Board of Education. They stay attuned to the RCLS financial requirements and file timely and accurate reports with the Executive Council and Voters' Assembly. The term of service is 3 years.

   Sunday School Officers

   The Sunday School offices of






          Secretary/Treasurer and


          Missions Coordinator

are necessary for the mission of the Sunday School of assisting families in providing additional Christian education to the next generation. The term of service is one year.

   VBS Coordinator

   The Vacation Bible School, which is held the first full week of August, needs to have dedicated servants who do much advance planning so the mission of being an outreach to the community can be accomplished. The term of service is one year.

   Please contact if you would like more information on any of the following opportunities.